# Type / Name Views Rating
1 The Alibi of Tyrants
GP4 (35.8 KB) 244
GP5 (82.6 KB) 222
GP5 (100.2 KB) 248
2 Pieces of the Sun
3 Finger Painting (With the Enemy)
4 March Against Me
5 Compulsion of Virus and Fever
6 Formal Obsession
7 Hot Summer's Tragedy
8 Me gusta la soledad
GP5 (22.9 KB) 250
9 2012
10 Guerrilla Carnival
11 Estoy Perdido
GP5 (42.4 KB) 240
12 Kellogg's, Bombs, & Cracker Jacks
13 De Sangre Hermosa

Year: 2008

Tracks: 13

Tabs: 5