# Type / Name Views Rating
1 King of a Stellar War
GP5 (99.1 KB) 202
2 A Dynasty From the Ice
3 Archon
GP5 (71.9 KB) 182
GP5 (52.0 KB) 205
4 Snowing Still
Guitar 246
GP5 (59.3 KB) 239
5 Shadows Follow
GP5 (46.2 KB) 234
6 One With the Forest
GP5 (58.9 KB) 196
7 Diastric Alchemy
GP5 (79.3 KB) 233
GP5 (94.7 KB) 194
8 The Opposite Bank
GP5 (112.3 KB) 221
9 The First Field of the Battle
GP5 (134.4 KB) 174
10 Tormentor
11 Flag of Hate / Pleasure to Kill
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers
Triarchy of the Lost Lovers

Year: 1996

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 11