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  4. TerrorVision (2018)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Lasciate ogne speranza
2 TerrorVision
GP5 (44.4 KB) 387
GPX (165.8 KB) 271
3 Farewell to the Flesh
4 Vespertine Decay
GP (142.9 KB) 417
5 Squalor Opera
6 Visceral Despondency
7 Deep Red
8 Exquisite Covinous Drama
9 Altro inferno
10 A Whore D’oeuvre Macabre
11 The Final Absolution
12 Bathos
13 Fallacious Crescendo
GPX (184.5 KB) 276
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Year: 2018

Tracks: 13

Tabs: 4

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