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  4. Bleed the Future (2021)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Drone Corpse Aviator
GP (33.0 KB) 578
GP (33.1 KB) 42
GP (55.2 KB) 38
2 Golden Mouth of Ruin
GP (27.8 KB) 945
GP (27.9 KB) 26
GP (38.9 KB) 30
3 Abandon the Linear
GP (33.8 KB) 49
4 Bleed the Future
GP (70.2 KB) 310
GP (45.0 KB) 32
GP (26.3 KB) 22
5 Drain of Incarnation
GP (49.4 KB) 42
6 Acrid Canon
GP (40.1 KB) 60
7 Reverie on the Onyx
GP (40.5 KB) 39
GP (32.2 KB) 224
8 A.U.M.
GP (27.6 KB) 257
GP (34.5 KB) 28
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Bleed the Future

Bleed the Future

Year: 2021

Tracks: 8

Tabs: 16

Album rating
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