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  3. Burzum
  4. Filosofem (1996)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Burzum
Guitar 307
GP4 (29.2 KB) 289
GP3 (34.4 KB) 260
Bass 167
2 Jesu død
Guitar 336
Guitar 257
Guitar 178
Guitar 145
GP5 (128.8 KB) 268
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3 Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament
GP5 (26.7 KB) 176
GP5 (16.3 KB) 219
GP4 (34.4 KB) 275
Guitar 304
4 Decrepitude I
5 Rundtgåing av den transcendentale egenhetens støtte
6 Decrepitude II
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Year: 1996

Tracks: 6

Tabs: 26

Album rating
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