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  4. Black Shining Leather (1998)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Black Shining Leather
GP5 (40.0 KB) 113
Guitar 242
GP4 (20.9 KB) 217
2 The Swordsmen
GP (172.1 KB) 94
Bass 114
3 Death Triumphant
Guitar 114
4 Sadomasochistic
GP5 (45.0 KB) 104
GP5 (59.8 KB) 119
5 Lupus
6 Pierced Genitalia
7 In Silence I Observe
Guitar 234
GP4 (13.0 KB) 237
8 Lunar Nights
Guitar 73
Guitar 262
9 Third Attempt
10 The Northern Hemisphere
11 A Forest
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Black Shining Leather

Black Shining Leather

Year: 1998

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 12

Album rating
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