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  4. Under a Funeral Moon (1993)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Natassja in Eternal Sleep
GP4 (21.5 KB) 266
PTB (39.7 KB) 253
Guitar 269
Guitar 282
GP5 (21.5 KB) 166
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2 Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust
GP5 (36.3 KB) 200
Guitar 161
3 The Dance of Eternal Shadows
Guitar 154
GP (83.9 KB) 188
4 Unholy Black Metal
Guitar 276
Guitar 174
Bass 206
GP5 (30.0 KB) 174
5 To Walk the Infernal Fields
Guitar 258
Guitar 157
6 Under a Funeral Moon
GP5 (17.2 KB) 175
PTB (7.0 KB) 171
GP4 (24.1 KB) 249
GP4 (44.6 KB) 250
Guitar 271
Click here to view all tabs for this song
7 Inn i de dype skogers favn
Guitar 193
GP5 (10.3 KB) 169
8 Crossing the Triangle of Flames
PTB (16.6 KB) 169
GP5 (64.0 KB) 179
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Under a Funeral Moon

Under a Funeral Moon

Year: 1993

Tracks: 8

Tabs: 29

Album rating
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