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  3. Demoniac
  4. The Fire and the Wind (1999)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 The Eagle Spreads Its Wings
GP5 (78.4 KB) 78
GP3 (43.2 KB) 258
2 Daggers and Ice
GP3 (82.7 KB) 253
GP5 (131.3 KB) 78
3 Demoniac Spell
GP5 (82.7 KB) 74
4 Night Demons
GP3 (9.4 KB) 240
5 Demons of the Night
GP5 (49.4 KB) 78
GP5 (14.4 KB) 76
GP3 (8.9 KB) 275
6 Myths of Metal
GP5 (29.4 KB) 74
7 Sons of the Master
8 The Fire and the Wind
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The Fire and the Wind

The Fire and the Wind

Year: 1999

Tracks: 8

Tabs: 10

Album rating
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