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  3. Dreamtale
  4. Difference (2005)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Lost Souls
GP (194.7 KB) 59
GP5 (31.0 KB) 57
2 Wings of Icaros
GP5 (17.0 KB) 65
3 New Life
4 Lucid Times
5 Mirror
GP5 (9.5 KB) 77
6 World's Child
7 Sail Away
8 Fly
9 Secret Door
GP5 (14.2 KB) 63
GP5 (33.2 KB) 62
10 We Are One
11 Green Fields
12 Powerplay
GP4 (34.2 KB) 193
Guitar 208
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Year: 2005

Tracks: 12

Tabs: 8

Album rating
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