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  4. The Inner Circle (2004)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 A Touch of Blessing
GP (59.5 KB) 22
GP5 (48.6 KB) 20
GP4 (36.0 KB) 30
Guitar 16
Drums 181
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2 Ambassador
GP5 (40.7 KB) 16
3 In the Wake of the Weary
Guitar 20
4 Harmless Wishes
GP4 (36.5 KB) 14
5 Waking Up Blind
6 More Than Ever
GP3 (37.3 KB) 18
7 The Essence of Conviction
8 Where All Good Sleep
9 Faith Restored
Guitar 23
GP4 (15.1 KB) 16
PTB (16.7 KB) 235
Guitar 277
10 When the Walls Go Down
11 I'm Sorry (acoustic version)
12 Recreation Day (acoustic version)
13 Madness Caught Another Victim (acoustic version)
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The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle

Year: 2004

Tracks: 13

Tabs: 15

Album rating
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