# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Marche royale
2 In aeternum
3 Healing Through War
GP5 (173.0 KB) 250
4 The Fool
GP5 (133.6 KB) 239
GP5 (155.0 KB) 31
5 Cold as Perfection
GP (43.8 KB) 70
GP5 (8.3 KB) 82
6 Mitra
GP5 (114.4 KB) 221
7 Paramour (Die Leidenschaft bringt Leiden)
8 And the Vulture Beholds
9 Gravity
GP5 (68.8 KB) 74
GP5 (94.2 KB) 30
10 A Million Deaths
11 Syphilis
GPX (158.1 KB) 200
12 King
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Year: 2016

Tracks: 12

Tabs: 9

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