# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Let's Drink
GP5 (61.7 KB) 195
GP5 (14.3 KB) 133
GP5 (54.2 KB) 121
Bass 118
Guitar 114
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2 Tervaskanto
Guitar 135
3 Viima
4 Veriset äpärät
GP5 (44.4 KB) 194
5 Running With the Wolves
6 Liekkiön isku
GP5 (35.0 KB) 164
7 Palovana
GP5 (91.2 KB) 226
8 Karhunkaatolaulu
GP5 (71.1 KB) 156
9 Misty Fields
10 Vesilahden veräjillä
11 Nordic Feast
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Year: 2007

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 10

Album rating
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