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  3. Overkill
  4. Under the Influence (1988)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Shred
2 Never Say Never
GP5 (23.0 KB) 168
3 Hello From the Gutter
GP (33.5 KB) 140
Guitar 162
Guitar 139
GP4 (36.4 KB) 158
4 Mad Gone World
Guitar 130
Guitar 144
5 Brainfade
6 Drunken Wisdom
GP5 (8.4 KB) 138
Guitar 136
Guitar 119
7 End of the Line
8 Head First
9 Overkill III (Under the Influence)
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Under the Influence

Under the Influence

Year: 1988

Tracks: 9

Tabs: 10

Album rating
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