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  3. Psycroptic
  4. Ob(Servant) (2008)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Ob(Servant)
GP (137.0 KB) 158
GP5 (18.2 KB) 175
GPX (29.9 KB) 164
2 A Calculated Effort
GPX (35.0 KB) 166
GP5 (68.2 KB) 160
3 Slaves of Nil
GPX (37.2 KB) 183
GP5 (59.9 KB) 170
4 The Shifting Equilibrium
GPX (36.4 KB) 170
5 Removing the Common Bond
GPX (34.1 KB) 169
6 Horde in Devolution
GPX (38.8 KB) 174
GP5 (34.5 KB) 167
7 Blood Stained Lineage
GPX (35.1 KB) 168
8 Immortal Army of One
GPX (38.4 KB) 168
GP5 (60.3 KB) 158
9 Initiate
GPX (44.4 KB) 162
GP5 (83.5 KB) 175
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Year: 2008

Tracks: 9

Tabs: 16

Album rating
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