# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Melancholy
2 Gravesinger
GP (19.1 KB) 1162
Guitar 120
3 Barren and Breathless Macrocosm
GPX (166.7 KB) 1849
4 Underneath a Sullen Moon
GPX (146.2 KB) 409
5 Oudenophobia
GP (19.8 KB) 734
6 Embracing Nocturnal Damnation
GP5 (22.8 KB) 444
7 Dirge of the Void
GP (18.5 KB) 683
8 Chthonic Odyssey
GP (227.7 KB) 523
9 The Dreaded Mystic Abyss
GP (104.4 KB) 1127
10 Malediction
GP (83.3 KB) 863
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Year: 2019

Tracks: 10

Tabs: 10

Album rating
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