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  3. Stravaganzza
  4. Sentimientos (2005)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Miedo
2 Esperanza
3 Impotencia
GP5 (79.3 KB) 50
4 Arrepentimiento
5 Pasión
6 Odio
GP4 (48.5 KB) 34
GP5 (88.2 KB) 35
7 Frustración
8 Desilusión
Guitar 38
Bass 37
GP5 (46.9 KB) 38
GP5 (97.9 KB) 55
9 Soledad
10 Duda
GP5 (108.3 KB) 27
11 Dolor / Nostalgia
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Year: 2005

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 8

Album rating
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