# Type / Name Views Rating
1 A Violent Strike
2 Procession of the Fates
GP5 (3.2 KB) 104
Guitar 97
PTB (2.8 KB) 96
3 Breathing Life Into Devices
4 This World Is a Tomb
5 Metanoia
GP5 (68.2 KB) 73
6 The Path
7 Echoes of the Spirit
8 Calm in the Chaos
Guitar 92
9 Counting Down the Days
GP4 (41.4 KB) 114
GP5 (18.1 KB) 103
10 A Dead World at Sunrise
11 Vela, Together We Await the Storm (Tim Lambesis remix)
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Year: 2008

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 7

Album rating
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