# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Northern Thrones
GP5 (86.7 KB) 224
2 An Arctic Star of Blackness
GP5 (94.6 KB) 201
3 Where Ancient Lords Gather
GP5 (59.2 KB) 226
4 The Dawn of War
GP5 (54.0 KB) 214
5 Nifelheim
Guitar 41
GP5 (63.6 KB) 230
6 The Calling Blaze
GP5 (45.6 KB) 253
7 A Winter Chant
GP5 (56.6 KB) 216
8 The Kings That Were...
GP5 (87.7 KB) 256
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Year: 1993

Tracks: 8

Tabs: 9

Album rating
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