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  4. 4 - "Enduring Freedom" (2023)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Overture 2001
GP (54.2 KB) 24
2 Blinding Ignorance
GP (49.7 KB) 18
3 Agonized Desperation
4 Blood on the Sand
5 Years in Turmoil
6 Legacy of Devastation
7 Opulent Sowings...
8 ...Nourishing Adversity
9 Finale I. "Bloodshed (Red)"
GP (127.6 KB) 11
10 Finale II. "Wounded/For P.K. Reprise (Blue)"
11 Finale III. "Crosses (White)"
12 Blinding Ignorance (demo)
13 Agonized Desperation (demo)
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4 - "Enduring Freedom"

4 - "Enduring Freedom"

Year: 2023

Tracks: 13

Tabs: 3

Album rating
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