# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Byrjing
GP4 (11.9 KB) 286
2 Arntor, ein Windir
GP4 (53.4 KB) 263
GP5 (86.4 KB) 104
GP (77.9 KB) 111
Guitar 98
3 Kong Hydnes haug
GP5 (118.5 KB) 113
4 Svartesmeden og Lundamyrstrollet
GP5 (206.7 KB) 96
GP (330.2 KB) 29
GP5 (132.9 KB) 108
5 Kampen
Guitar 111
GP5 (17.8 KB) 103
GP5 (146.2 KB) 120
6 Saknet
GP5 (84.1 KB) 39
GP5 (166.5 KB) 127
7 Ending
GP4 (35.3 KB) 262
GP5 (60.7 KB) 117
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Year: 1999

Tracks: 7

Tabs: 16

Album rating
Rating (0) , Rated= 0
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