Song:      1:19
Artist:  Lacuna Coil
Album:   Unleashed Memories
Tab by:  Ali (

Tuning: Dropped D (DADGBe  Low to High)
Key:  b - bend
      r - release
      / - slide up
      \ - slide down
      ~ - hold
      h - hammer on
      p - pull off
     () - ghost note





(Intro starts with Fig1...and then alternates between Fig1. and Fig2.
        Rhythm Guitar behind intro sounds suppressed...but is the same as the verse)

|---7--8--7--8-/-11~------|    (slightly delayed slide from the 8th fret
|---7--8--7--8-/-11~------|     listen to the CD for timing)

Interlude (seems to be the day...)
|-----2-------2---2-------2-------2---|   (i CANNOT hear this part clearly at all)

Chorus (hiding all my fear...)

Solo (not exact mind you...cant' hear some parts...but anyway close enuff for me)







(Rhythm behind the solo is pretty much the same as that on the Verse marked
above...there are minor variations where he hammers those chords with heavy
palm's pretty obvious when you listen to it so i won't tab that
out...solo might be a bit off...see if you can't do better...ciao)

This tab is inspired by a fellow named Jason Thornton...cheers mate...hope
you have fun playing it.

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Type: Guitar