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This is the bass tab to Distant Early warning by Rush Distant Early Warning Rush transcribed by: Fred E-mail: freddy@soonet.ca G-|-------------------------------------------5-5-4-------------| D-|------5---7-----5---5---7-7-5-----3---5----------5-7-7-5-\---| A-|--0-0---0---0-0---0---0-------3-3---3---3--------------------| E-|-------------------------------------------------------------| G-|--------------------------| D-|--------------------------| A-|------3---5---/-7-5-3-3-7-| E-|--3-3---3---3-------------| this part was taken from guitar school magazine G-|--------------------------------|----------------------| D-|--------------------------------|*--------------------*| A-|--------------------------------|*--------------------*| E-|-5-5-5--0-5-5-5--5-5-5--0-5-5-5-|---3-/-5--3-3-3-5-5---| this is the pre-chorus "I just slipped down these damn stairs..." This has been a message brought to you by AKA Ffreddy Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada : at the HUB of the Great Lakes Canada Rules, and we were always on top
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