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Artist: Trivium Song: Rain Album: Ascendancy Tab by: deathbat411 Tuning: (low to high: DADG) I tried learning Rain on bass with version 1 but I soon found out it was completely wrong. I even read the comment page and everyone else said it was wrong too. So here is how I think it should go. Please rate and comment. Have fun :) Riff A G|-----------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------5-4----------------| A|-5----6-3--------------5-----------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------| 2x Riff B (start headbanging here) Riff C G|----------------------------------------------| |----------| D|----------------------------5-4---------------| |----------| A|-5----6-3--------------5----------------------| |-68-86-56-| D|--0-00---0-00-0-00-0-00-0-00---0-00-0-00-0-00-| 2x |----------| 1x Chorus G|----------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------| D|-0--0-(1)---0--0-(1)-8\7---0--0-(1)---0--0-(1)-8/10-| 1x Bass is silent while guitar plays Riff B 2x then Riff C 1x Riff D G|------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------|---| D|-(0)--(8)--(5)--(0)--(8)--(5)-8888888888-101010101010-| | |-1x G|----------------------| | D|----------------------|-----------------------------------| A|-13-12-10--12-10------| D|---------13-----13-12-| Chorus 2x Riff B 2x then Riff C 1x Riff B 2x then Riff C 1x Riff D 1x Chorus 2x Riff E G|-----------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-(5)--------5--7-8-1--8-7--5--7-8-1--8-7-| D|-----------------------------------------| 1x G|---------------| D|---------------| A|---------------| D|-0000----------| 1x G|---------------| D|---------------| A|-5--7-8-1--8-7-| D|---------------| 1x Riff F G|---------------------| D|---------------------| A|---------------------| D|-0000-000-0000-00-00-| 4x Riff G G|---------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------| A|-11111111--33333333--5555555---777777-888888-| D|---------------------------------------------| 1x Riff F 2x Riff G 4x Riff H G|------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------|-----| D|-0000000011-0000000011-0000000011-008-007-| | |-2x G|--------------------------------------------| | D|-------------------------------------8----8-|---| A|----------------------------------5-6--5-6--| D|-0000000011-0000000011-0000000011-----------| End on G|--------| D|--------| A|--------| D|-(0)----| 1x Key \ - Slide down to / - Slide up to pm - palm mute ( ) - Let ring
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