dream theater-------glass prison.
7-string guitar: BEADGBE
(8 measures bass)
 (0:49) guitars 1 & 2





|0-----------------------0-------|------------------------3 p.h.~-|




-                ritard..........

  4/4                              2/4

 4/4                              3/4
|--(notes marked w/ "*" played---|divisi (w/ wah)---------||
|--2nd, 4th, and 6th times only)-|--*-------*-------*-----||
|--------5---2-----------5---7---|----7-------7-------7---|| riff A
|----0-0-3---0---5 / 7-----------|------------------------|| 6x

  (2:12) drums superimpose 7/4 feel
|3-2-0---0---3-2-0---0---0-0-0---|5-3-0---6-5-0---|| rhythm figure 1

 (2:22) w/ rhythm figure 1 (2x)
|gtr 3-------------------------------------------|








|------------------------------------------------|rhythm figure 2


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2 - Guitar

3 - Powertab

9 - Guitar

10 - Guitar

11 - Guitar

12 - Bass

13 - Guitar

14 - Bass

15 - Guitar

16 - Guitar Pro

17 - Guitar Pro

18 - Powertab

19 - Bass

20 - Guitar

21 - Powertab

22 - Drums

23 - Guitar Pro

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