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  4. Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done (2003)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Meticulous Invagination
Guitar 132
PTB (21.5 KB) 312
Bass 131
Guitar 331
Guitar 371
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2 Parasitic Flesh Resection
3 The Saw & the Carnage Done
PTB (102.9 KB) 131
GP4 (84.7 KB) 286
GP3 (15.9 KB) 297
4 Ornaments of Derision
5 Sanguine Verses (...of Extirpation)
GP5 (17.9 KB) 129
PTB (25.1 KB) 127
Guitar 234
6 Charted Carnal Effigy
Guitar 119
PTB (31.0 KB) 126
Guitar 131
Guitar 327
GP5 (26.8 KB) 296
Click here to view all tabs for this song
7 Clinical Colostomy
8 Medical Deviance
9 Sea of Cartilage
10 Nemesis
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Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done

Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done

Year: 2003

Tracks: 10

Tabs: 24

Album rating
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