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Grotesque Blessings

Grotesque Blessings (1999)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 7


Loathing (1997)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 2

Repulsive Conception

Repulsive Conception (1995)

Tracks: 15, Tabs: 2

Swamped in Gore

Swamped in Gore (1991)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 2

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Broken Hope

Broken Hope

Country: US

Broken Hope is a grindcore/death metal band founded in the late 1980s. The project spanned roughly twelve years, culminating in five albums between 1991 and 1999. Joe Ptacek (vocals), Jeremy Wagner (guitar), Brian Griffin (guitar), and Ryan Stanek (... Read more

Albums: 4

Tabs: 13

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Band members:

Damian Leski

Diego Soria

Jeremy Wagner

Matt Szlachta

Mike Miczek