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Noktvrn (2021)

Tracks: 7, Tabs: 2


Agonie (2011)

Tracks: 5, Tabs: 2

Der Weg einer Freiheit

Der Weg einer Freiheit (2009)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 1

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Der Weg einer Freiheit
Started as a black metal project of two friends Nikita Kamprad and Tobias Jaschinsky in February 2009. Previously they played together in Frostgrim and Fuck Your Shadow From Behind. In March 2009 the band released self-produced debut record Der Weg... Read more

Albums: 3

Tabs: 5

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Band members:

Nico Rausch

Nico Ziska

Nikita Kamprad

Tobias Schuler