Stormbringer Ruler

Stormbringer Ruler (2001)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 2

Dragonlord (Tales of the Noble Steel)

Dragonlord (Tales of the Noble Steel) (1999)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 10

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Country: IT

Domine is an epic power metal band started in the mid-1980s in Florence, Italy. Founded by the Paoli brothers, Enrico and Riccardo, the band recorded four demo tapes, and had many reviews and interviews in a lot of fanzines and magazines around the w... Read more

Albums: 2

Tabs: 12

Band rating
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Band members:

Adolfo Morviducci

Enrico Paoli

Riccardo Iacono

Riccardo Paoli

Stefano Bonini