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Reliquiem (2024)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 1

Apokalypse Galore

Apokalypse Galore (2023)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 2

Tragikomödien aus dem Mordarchiv

Tragikomödien aus dem Mordarchiv (2019)

Tracks: 14, Tabs: 1


Na(c)htodreise (2017)

Tracks: 15, Tabs: 1

Traumtrophäen toter Trauertänzer

Traumtrophäen toter Trauertänzer (2004)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 4

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Eden weint im Grab
Started around the turn of the millennium the project Dark Pride Retaliation released one rough sounding demo called "A Celebration In Black" before it lived a shadowy existence in the archives of its maker for some years. In the beginning of 2004 f... Read more

Albums: 5

Tabs: 9

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Band members:

Alexander Paul Blake

Sascha Blach