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  4. Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (1997)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Alsvartr (The Oath)
Guitar 281
Guitar 299
Guitar 179
Guitar 170
GP4 (30.8 KB) 275
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2 Ye Entrancemperium
Guitar 299
Guitar 235
GP3 (42.9 KB) 273
GP4 (83.9 KB) 260
GP5 (83.9 KB) 179
Click here to view all tabs for this song
3 Thus Spake the Nightspirit
Guitar 236
Guitar 171
GP4 (16.6 KB) 256
GP5 (90.9 KB) 194
4 Ensorcelled by Khaos
Guitar 174
GP4 (17.3 KB) 258
GP5 (18.2 KB) 173
GP5 (172.6 KB) 208
5 The Loss and Curse of Reverence
Guitar 251
GP3 (74.7 KB) 260
GP3 (35.8 KB) 279
Guitar 178
GP5 (105.7 KB) 204
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6 The Acclamation of Bonds
GP4 (72.5 KB) 259
GP5 (174.3 KB) 205
7 With Strength I Burn
Guitar 274
GP4 (120.8 KB) 268
GP4 (26.2 KB) 255
GP5 (179.7 KB) 210
8 The Wanderer
GP4 (23.0 KB) 267
GP5 (39.3 KB) 185
9 In Longing Spirit
10 Opus a Satana
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Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

Year: 1997

Tracks: 10

Tabs: 36

Album rating
Rating (0) , Rated= 0
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