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  4. Blood of the Saints (2011)
# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Opening: Agnus Dei
2 Sanctified With Dynamite
GP5 (115.3 KB) 130
GPX (83.7 KB) 122
GPX (29.2 KB) 134
GP5 (3.1 KB) 142
3 We Drink Your Blood
Guitar 130
Guitar 128
GP5 (30.9 KB) 96
GP5 (29.2 KB) 117
GPX (67.4 KB) 121
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4 Murder at Midnight
GP (45.0 KB) 161
5 All We Need Is Blood
GP5 (59.3 KB) 172
6 Dead Boys Don’t Cry
GP4 (45.7 KB) 179
7 Son of a Wolf
8 Night of the Werewolves
9 Phantom of the Funeral
10 Die, Die, Crucified
GP5 (33.7 KB) 197
11 Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)
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Blood of the Saints

Blood of the Saints

Year: 2011

Tracks: 11

Tabs: 13

Album rating
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