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- ¡No intente hacer esto en su casa! (1997)
# | Type / Name | Views | Rating | ||
1 | Operación Mengele | ||||
Guitar | 43 |
2 | Peces mutantes | ||||
GP4 (16.2 KB) | 215 |
Guitar | 238 |
GP (46.5 KB) | 29 |
3 | Cuando nada, vale nada | ||||
Bass | 47 |
Bass | 45 |
Bass | 42 |
4 | Nada que explicar | ||||
Guitar | 34 |
5 | Palomas y buitres | ||||
GP4 (35.8 KB) | 252 |
Guitar | 256 |
GP (58.3 KB) | 24 |
6 | ¡Ya os daréis cuenta! | ||||
7 | Sentar la cabeza | ||||
8 | Angustia | ||||
9 | Garantía total | ||||
10 | Akí tirado | ||||
11 | Amigo de bar | ||||
12 | Rumore | ||||
Guitar | 44 |
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¡No intente hacer esto en su casa!
Year: 1997
Tracks: 12
Tabs: 12
Album rating
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