# Type / Name Views Rating
1 Iconoclast
GP5 (219.5 KB) 130
GP5 (296.7 KB) 113
GP (505.1 KB) 128
GP5 (77.8 KB) 113
2 The End of Innocence
GP4 (20.3 KB) 121
GP5 (115.0 KB) 155
3 Dehumanized
GP4 (58.2 KB) 125
GP5 (111.0 KB) 124
4 Bastards of the Machine
GP5 (42.7 KB) 130
5 Heretic
GP5 (53.5 KB) 131
6 Children of a Faceless God
GP5 (62.7 KB) 128
7 When All Is Lost
GP5 (137.0 KB) 119
GP5 (154.3 KB) 133
GP5 (47.6 KB) 146
8 Electric Messiah
9 Prometheus (I Am Alive)
10 Light up the Night
GP5 (71.1 KB) 123
GP (15.4 KB) 121
GP5 (4.2 KB) 100
11 The Lords of Chaos
12 Reign in Madness
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Year: 2011

Tracks: 12

Tabs: 17

Album rating
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