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Used Future

Used Future (2018)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 1

High Country

High Country (2015)

Tracks: 15, Tabs: 7


Apocryphon (2012)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 11

Warp Riders

Warp Riders (2010)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 8

Gods of the Earth

Gods of the Earth (2008)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 12

Age of Winters

Age of Winters (2006)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 51

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The Sword

The Sword

Country: US

The Sword was an American heavy metal band from Austin, Texas. Formed in 2003, the band was last composed of vocalist and guitarist John D. Cronise, guitarist Kyle Shutt, bassist Bryan Richie and drummer Santiago "Jimmy" Vela III. On October 20th 2... Read more

Albums: 6

Tabs: 90

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Band members:

Bryan Richie

JD Cronise

Kyle Shutt

Santiago Vela III