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  3. To Separate the Flesh From the Bones
Utopia Sadistica

Utopia Sadistica (2004)

Tracks: 25, Tabs: 4

For Those About to Rot

For Those About to Rot (2004)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 2

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To Separate the Flesh From the Bones
To Separate The Flesh From The Bones is a death metal/grindcore band from Helsinki, Finland. The band can be considered a side-project of three remarkable members of Finland's Metal and rock scenes: Pasi Koskinen (ex-Amorphis, Shape of Despair, Ajatt... Read more

Albums: 2

Tabs: 6

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Band members:

Mika Karppinen

Niclas Etelävuori

Pasi Koskinen