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  3. Emperor
  4. In the Nightside Eclipse
  5. Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times
Here is another Emperor song. This is from one of the best black metal
albumns ever. That being Nightside Eclipse. This albumn is very hard 
to decipher at times due to the heavy distortion on one of the guitars.
Anyway, this song is Cosmic Keys to my Creation and Times, and it
should be all right.

Band: Emperor
Song: Cosmic Keys to my Creation and Times
Transcribed by: Warrick McPherson
E-mail: sirwarrick@hotmail.com


H - Hammer on
P - Pull off
S - Slide
M - Mute
B - Bend

Tuning: Standard "E" tuning for this song

Riff 1

Gtr 1



Gtr 2



Riff 2

Both Guitars



NOTE: The only reason there is breaks in between the chords
is to make it easier to read.

Riff 3 - Verse type riff

Gtr 1

|-2222222222222222 0000000000000000-2222222222222222-2222222222222222-|


Gtr 2



That part sounds really good when both guitars are played at
the same time.

Now go back and play Riff 2, then Riff 3 again.

Riff 4 - This part was quite hard to figure out, but it should
be right.

Gtr 1



bar cont....


Gtr 2

  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B


Riff 5 - In this riff Gtr 1 plays alone the first 2 times.

Gtr 1



Gtr 2



Now go back and play Riff 2, Riff 3 then Riff 2 again. 
Then move onto this next riff.

Riff 6 - this is not really a riff, just a chord


Play that bar 3 times, then on the fouth time make your way up the
fret board to around the twelvth fret to the value of one bar.

Now go back and play Riff 5 again.

Now play this

Riff 7 - both guitars


Riff 8

Gtr 1









Gtr 2









And that's the song. Any questions/suggestions just e-mail me.


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4 - Powertab

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6 - Powertab

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