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- Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #Unless specified otherwise, this is NOT an official tab from the band members.# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Visit MetalTabs.com for more metal tablature Cosmic Keys to My Creations and Times Emperor Emperor ep Tabbed by:Henry Casas Email: BaneOfExistance@aol.com My second Emperor guitar tab, I�m confident that it�s right though. __________________________________________________ . - Palm mute / - slide up to \ - Slide down to ~ - vibrato h - hammer on b - Bend p - pull off Suffixes for bend t - tap f - full bend h - half bend ph - pinched harmonic q - quarter bend t - tap bend * - See comment ^ - Hold bend r release bend x - Staccato ~ - vibrato bend , - Slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note " - Tremolo note <> - Trill __________________________________________________ Standard e tuning eadgbe Riff 1 guitar 1 E|------------------------------| B|--------ph--------------------| G|-2�3�-2�2�-5�4��-4�4�--3�6�---| D|---------------5�----4�-------| A|------------------------------| E|------------------------------| Guitar 2 E|-----------------------------| B|-----------------------------| G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| A|-77777777775555555554444444--| E|-55555555553333333332222222--| Riff 2 E|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------| D|----7656--------------7656------4444----| A|-22-5434-22-543333-22-5434-22-542222----| E|-00------00-321111-00------00-32--------| Riff 3 E|----------------| B|----------------| G|----------------| D|----------------| A|-111444555555---| E|-000222333333---| Riff 4 a E|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|--------------------| D|--------------6764--| A|--2h3p2h3p2---4542--| E|--------------4542--| Riff 4 b E|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------| D|--------------------0h2p0h2p0-8888--| A|-----------2h3p2h3p2----------------| E|-2h3p2h3p2--------------------------| Riff 5 Fill 1 E|-------------------------------| E|---------| B|-------------------------------| B|---------| G|-------------------------------| G|---------| D|-444---666-4"-5"-4446665555----| D|-6666----| A|-222555444--3"---2224443333----| A|-4444----| E|----333------------------------| E|---------| Riff 6 (Slowly slide) E|-------------| B|-------------| G|-------------| D|-444444/10---| A|-222222/8----| E|-------------| Riff 7 E|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|--------------------| D|-44-4--22-2---------| A|-22-2--00-0-55-5-33-| E|------------33-3-11-| Riff 8 a E|--------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------| D|---44h555---44h555---44h555-----------| A|-44------444------444------435544665--| D|-22------222------222------213322443--| Riff 8 b Fill 2* E|------------------------------------| E|----------------| B|------------------------------------| B|----------------| G|------------------------------------| G|----------------| D|---22h333--22h333--22h333-----------| D|-22h33h55p3p22--| A|-22------22------22------22*5544665-| A|----------------| E|-00------00------00------00-3322443-| E|----------------| Sorry guys, I don�t have the song structure. Just listen to the song and play along. Have fun playing this awesome emperor song! \m/>_<\m/
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